You can’t deny it

You know you need new profile photos and you’re constantly on the lookout for new content for your website and social media. But you keep putting it off. I know what you’re thinking and let me tell you why those excuses are just not going to cut it anymore.

1. I don’t have time!

Think about how much time it takes to plan a good photo, to take it, edit it, go searching for it again when you want to post it to social media or your website and then to reformat it so that it is the right size and resolution. And this is just one photo!

We need new photos ALL THE TIME! Social media demands new, fresh, interesting content constantly. Our websites need to be updated often to keep our audience interested and to keep them on search engines’ radars.

Imagine having an image library delivered to you with beautiful, professional and on-brand photographs that you can pull from whenever you need fresh content. I offer one-off packages of 40+ photos and even a subscription-style package so you will have fresh, updated content all year! Think of just how much time that would save!

2. I can’t afford it!

I completely understand that money can be tight. Sometimes it just isn’t there. Sometimes it’s a matter of putting away a bit every month for something you really need.

Sometimes though, the question is not whether you can stretch your budget, but what you choose to prioritise.

Personal brand photography that is specifically tailored to suit you and your brand is not just an expense, it is an investment for your business that you can’t afford to do without. An investment that will raise the status and professionalism of your brand, give your potential clients a sense of trust as they get to know you and the passion behind your business, and will inspire them to invest in you.

Use your images effectively and this investment will pay for itself in no time.

I will be your biggest cheerleader. I want you to succeed. I want you to achieve your dreams and reach your goals. For this reason I put my heart and soul into these sessions and I’ve created packages that will give you incredible value for money.

(I’ve even created an introductory price so you can test out personal brand photography and see how it works for you.)

3. I need to lose some weight first

Yeah, let’s just be honest here. We all have this thought and it might even be the number one excuse for putting off having your photo taken.

So. Here’s the thing. Society seems to have come up with a list of rules. Specific rules that tell us how we are supposed to look. So, what if we don’t fit into the mold? We’re bombarded with images of 20-something models that have been photoshopped like crazy and once we get a bit older, perhaps a little jigglier and a little greyer, we feel wrong. We try to hide and avoid putting ourselves out there.

But YOU are what is going to attract clients. They want to know who you are and why you have chosen to share your passion with the world. If you look like everyone else you’re just going to disappear in the crowd.

The truth is, I want you to look good too. No one sees a bad photo of themselves and says ‘Oh that’s such a terrible photo! Look how tired I look. I can’t wait to post that to Instagram!’. I will help you by finding the right light and the right angles, but I also want you to look like YOU.

4. I’m so awkward in front of the camera! 

*hand held way up high* ME TOO!

I can smile all day, but as soon as someone points a camera at me, all my muscles spasm and I can’t remember what to do with my face.

I suspect this is why I love storytelling photography. I use prompts and actions to help capture natural images of you being you. I will help set you up in the best light and the best position, and I’ll either get you to actually do something (like, actually check your email, make a cup of tea, write a reminder to yourself in your planner, play with your dog or your kids) or I’ll give you something to think about to elicit a specific expression.

No stiff poses. You have my complete permission to just relax and be yourself.