Some highlights from my Brand Boost photo shoot with Christina Hänström. Christina was doing a complete re-brand and redirecting her focus to mentoring business owners. She has such a long and impressive background in coaching, and I wanted to capture her professionalism and calm confidence, while emphasising the warmth and approachability that helps her clients feel comfortable.
We chose locations that captured her brand and her energy, and that felt personal to her – her warm and inviting office, her beloved Uppsala and at her home. It was important to capture her beautiful dog, who is her constant co-worker, and her passion for gardening. This is where she unwinds and gets inspiration and sharing more than just ‘working’ photos helps her audience to relate and connect.

Like what you see? I’d love to help you to get visible & elevate your business with photos that you actually love sharing.
Fill in the form and let’s talk.